The Hub of Learning
The Hub of Learning is a multidisciplinary resource for our College staff and boys that sits alongside and supports the learning and teaching of the traditional academic departments at St David’s.
Its goal is to inspire, support, motivate and develop each boy in the College to reach his true potential. Working with the academic departments, this centre is a venue for knowledge collaboration that builds on the skills embedded by our teaching staff.
The Hub offers the traditional library services of sourcing, stocking and lending books and magazines, but also looks beyond this into innovative methods that can be used to encourage and develop a passion for reading and books in our young men. We cater for the motivation, development and remediation of reading in the College.
The Hub also looks to how we can advise and assist our students with information and advice on:
- Subject choice in Grade 9
- Changing subjects in Grades 10 and 11, and subject combinations such as Mathematics and Physical Science
- University applications and mark expectations
- Non-traditional career choices and tertiary institutions
- Career guidance
The Hub also incorporates academic enrichment, which is where our students go to seek help with time management, study skills, consolidation lesson facilitation and, where possible, extra lessons. Boys are also encouraged to visit the Hub for extension activities and learning beyond the classroom.
Any applications for accommodations and concessions with the Independent Examination Board are done through this department as well.
The department works closely with the Wellness department and gives boys holistic support.