About Alexandra Campus
St David's Marist lnanda is proud to build on the legacy of the Holy Cross Sisters and to help realise the dream of the late Fr Ronald Cairns OMI in bringing Catholic education back to Alexandra with the opening of a satellite high school campus for boys.
St David’s Marist Inanda (Alexandra Campus) opened its doors in JANUARY 2023 with a pioneer Grade 8 class, extending the tradition of academic excellence and achievement that St David's has built over 82 years and making quality education accessible for boys from Alexandra and surrounds. St David's Marist lnanda is proud to be working with St Hubert's Catholic Parish in building a new education model that links these two campuses and breaks down some of the inequality that exists between Sandton and Alexandra.
What is the school?
Full liturgical celebrations, regular Holy Mass and daily prayer. Our values-based approach is based on the Gospel teachings and designed to make Jesus known and loved.
Ethos based on the teachings of humility, simplicity and modesty - the educational philosophy of the founder of the Marist Brothers, St Marcellin Champagnat.
We welcome boys of all faiths who subscribe to our philosophy and want a Marist education.
With enrolment for Grade 8 from 2023 and then incrementally to Grade 12 in future years.
Allowing our Alexandra campus boys to connect with our lnanda campus boys and experience the strong brotherhood on both a big campus and a small campus.
Follows the ISASA 3-Term Calendar with academic benefits.
Boys will write the IEB (Independent Examination Board) Matric Examinations when they reach Grade 12.
As an Independent School, fees are compulsory and fee exemptions do not apply. Please see the fee schedule for the current year.
School Programme
Academics - Our programme follows the IEB curriculum, focusing on excellence in English, isiZulu, Mathematics, and Science. We also provide a strong foundation in Information Technology, Coding, and Robotics, while nurturing creativity in the arts.
Staffing - Our qualified and experienced teachers work closely with the established academic structures of St David's. Through in-person and hybrid teaching methods, they ensure a comprehensive learning experience for our boys on both campuses.
Extramurals (Cultural and Sport) - Collaborating with the boys on the Inanda campus, we offer a range of extramural activities. Key sports like swimming, basketball, rugby, soccer, and hockey are available, along with diverse cultural pursuits such as choir, art, drama, and music.
Service & Leadership - Integral to our Marist approach, service and leadership opportunities are provided to all our boys. By participating in initiatives that support the wider community, our boys learn humility and develop the necessary skills to become the leaders of tomorrow.
Future-Proofing Skills - We prepare our St David's Alexandra boys for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. Alongside the core curriculum, we offer a range of skills that will contribute to their success in tertiary studies and in life beyond.
Contact the Alex Campus:
E-mail: alexadmissions@stdavids.co.za
Physical Address: Cnr Selborne Str & 2nd Str, Alexandra, 2014