Message from the Head of School
The future belongs to the gentlemen produced by St David’s Marist Inanda, because St David’s prepares us for the future every day.
Sanibonani, ngegama nginguFhatuwani Siyanda wakwaMudau, the 2024 Head of School for both St David’s Marist Inanda and St David’s Marist Alexandra.
I would like to welcome everyone to 2024; the year of striving for greatness and eradicating mediocrity at St David’s.
I was born and bred in the infamous township of Alexandra. In 2019, I was blessed with the opportunity to join St David’s Marist Inanda and it has been a journey of self-discovery and self-growth since my first day in Grade 8.
Primarily, my journey at St David’s has developed my character and has shaped me to become a gentleman. When I joined St David’s I thought I was joining a great ‘boys only’ High School. Although my preconceived ideas turned out to be true, what I did not know before 2020 was that I was not just joining a great High School, but more importantly I was also becoming part of a brotherhood, a community, a family.

In 2024, we aim to encourage excellence and strive for greatness in all aspects of school life. Through the Academic Excellence Committee, which is a student-led initiative we started in 2023, we will work towards improving the Academic culture at St David’s.
We will also continue to expand the cultural space at school by growing the St David’s Gwijo Group and hosting the Inaugural High School Gwijo Festival during our annual LEDI Festival. There will be more emphasis on Catholicism in the College. Furthermore, we will continue to pursue greatness on the sports field by encouraging participation in all sports at our beautiful school.
Malcolm X once said, “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today”. Hence, I would like to say that the future belongs to the gentlemen produced by St David’s, because St David’s prepares us for the future every day. Once again, I would like to welcome everyone to 2024, the year of striving for greatness and eradicating mediocrity at St David’s Marist Inanda.
Fhatuwani Mudau: Head of School 2024