Pastoral care

Service and outreach go to the heart of St David’s religious character as a Catholic and a Marist school.

Service and outreach go to the heart of St David’s religious character as a Catholic and a Marist school.

In the Prep School we lay the foundations for our boys’ journey through St David’s, an important element of which is inculcating within them the Marist values of simplicity, humility and modesty. Our boys live out these values by embracing their social responsibilities through service and outreach.

The religious and spiritual life of the Prep School manifests in many ways: the religious education curriculum, delivery of the weekly Eucharist celebrations, preparation for and participation in important religious and feast days, preparation of the Chapel for weekly Masses, our Catholic boys preparing for and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation twice a year (before Lent and Easter), preparation of Catholic boys new to the school for the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, and engagement and workshops with staff around our Marist values.

The Prep School’s outreach programme ensures that each boy has an opportunity to contribute to the community at large.

Regular fundraising activities and collection drives are arranged to support our school charities, with several of which we have long-standing relationships. We also try to respond to appeals that arise in our community, or appeals that boys bring to our attention.

We encourage boys to apply the Marist value of “love of work” in a practical way. Regular visits are scheduled to the SPCA and Princess Alice Adoption Home, where our Grade 7 boys perform acts of service.

Our Grade 7 boys are expected to perform 10 hours of community service during the year. They are free to perform these wherever they wish.

We also conduct outreach work in support of important dates, such as Champagnat Day and Mandela Day.